Version 1.0 is the current version. See the Version 1.0 documentation.

Producing artifacts

This page covers the detailed technical requirements for producing artifacts at each SLSA level. The intended audience is system implementers and security engineers.

For an informative description of the levels intended for all audiences, see Levels. For background, see Terminology. To better understand the reasoning behind the requirements, see Threats and mitigations.

The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


Build levels

Responsibility to implement SLSA is spread across the following parties.

Implementer Requirement Degree L1L2L3
Producer Choose an appropriate build system
Follow a consistent build process
Distribute provenance
Build system Provenance generation Exists
Isolation strength Build service
Ephemeral and isolated

Security Best Practices

While the exact definition of what constitutes a secure system is beyond the scope of this specification, to be conformant all implementations MUST use industry security best practices. This includes, but is not limited to, using proper access controls, securing communications, implementing proper management of cryptographic secrets, doing frequent updates, and promptly fixing known vulnerabilities.

Various relevant standards and guides can be consulted for that matter such as the CIS Critical Security Controls.


A package’s producer is the organization that owns and releases the software. It might be an open-source project, a company, a team within a company, or even an individual.

Choose an appropriate build system

The producer MUST select a build system that is capable of reaching their desired SLSA Build Level.

For example, if a producer wishes to produce a Build Level 3 artifact, they MUST choose a builder capable of producing Build Level 3 provenance.

Follow a consistent build process

The producer MUST build their artifact in a consistent manner such that verifiers can form expectations about the build process. In some implementations, the producer MAY provide explicit metadata to a verifier about their build process. In others, the verifier will form their expectations implicitly (e.g. trust on first use).

For example, if a producer wishes to distribute their artifact through a package ecosystem that requires explicit metadata about the build process in the form of a config file. That metadata includes the artifact’s source repository and build parameters that stay constant between builds. The producer MUST complete that config file and keep it up to date.

Distribute provenance

The producer MUST distribute provenance to artifact consumers. The producer MAY delegate this responsibility to the package ecosystem, provided that the package ecosystem is capable of distributing provenance.

Build system

A package’s build system is the infrastructure used to transform the software from source to package. This includes the transitive closure of all hardware, software, persons, and organizations that can influence the build. A build system is often a hosted, multi-tenant build service, but it could be a system of multiple independent rebuilders, a special-purpose build system used by a single software project, or even a developer’s workstation. Ideally, one build system is used by many different software packages so that consumers can minimize the number of trusted systems. For more background, see Build Model.

The build system is responsible for providing two things: provenance generation and isolation between builds. The Build level describes the degree to which each of these properties is met.

Provenance generation

The build system is responsible for generating provenance describing how the package was produced.

The SLSA Build level describes the minimum bound for:

  • Completeness: What information is contained in the provenance?
  • Authenticity: How strongly can the provenance be tied back to the builder?
  • Accuracy: How resistant is the provenance generation to tampering within the build process?
Provenance Exists

The build process MUST generate provenance that unambiguously identifies the output package and describes how that package was produced.

The format MUST be acceptable to the package ecosystem and/or consumer. It is RECOMMENDED to use the SLSA Provenance format and associated suite because it is designed to be interoperable, universal, and unambiguous when used for SLSA. See that format’s documentation for requirements and implementation guidelines. If using an alternate format, it MUST contain the equivalent information as SLSA Provenance at each level and SHOULD be bi-directionally translatable to SLSA Provenance.

  • Completeness: Best effort. The provenance at L1 SHOULD contain sufficient information to catch mistakes and simulate the user experience at higher levels in the absence of tampering. In other words, the contents of the provenance SHOULD be the same at all Build levels, but a few fields MAY be absent at L1 if they are prohibitively expensive to implement.
  • Authenticity: No requirements.
  • Accuracy: No requirements.
Provenance is Authentic

Authenticity: Consumers MUST be able to validate the authenticity of the provenance attestation in order to:

  • Ensure integrity: Verify that the digital signature of the provenance attestation is valid and the provenance was not tampered with after the build.
  • Define trust: Identify the build system and other entities that are necessary to trust in order to trust the artifact they produced.

This SHOULD be through a digital signature from a private key accessible only to the service that generated the provenance attestation.

This allows the consumer to trust the contents of the provenance attestation, such as the identity of the build system.

Accuracy: The provenance MUST be generated by the build system (i.e. within the trust boundary identified in the provenance) and not by a tenant of the build system (i.e. outside the trust boundary).

  • The data in the provenance MUST be obtained from the build service, either because the generator is the build service or because the provenance generator reads the data directly from the build service.
  • The build system MUST have some security control to prevent tenants from tampering with the provenance. However, there is no minimum bound on the strength. The purpose is to deter adversaries who might face legal or financial risk from evading controls.

Completeness: SHOULD be complete, but there MAY be external parameters that are not sufficiently captured in the provenance.

Provenance is Non-forgeable

Accuracy: Provenance MUST be strongly resistant to influence by tenants.

  • Any secret material used to demonstrate the non-forgeable nature of the provenance, for example the signing key used to generate a digital signature, MUST be stored in a secure management system appropriate for such material and accessible only to the build service account.
  • Such secret material MUST NOT be accessible to the environment running the user-defined build steps.
  • Every field in the provenance MUST be generated or verified by the build service in a trusted control plane. The user-controlled build steps MUST NOT be able to inject or alter the contents.

Completeness: MUST be complete. In particular, the external parameters MUST be fully enumerated in the provenance.

Note: This requirement was called “non-falsifiable” in the initial draft version (v0.1).

Isolation strength

The build system is responsible for isolating between builds, even within the same tenant project. In other words, how strong of a guarantee do we have that the build really executed correctly, without external influence?

The SLSA Build level describes the minimum bar for isolation strength. For more information on assessing a build system’s isolation strength, see Verifying build systems.

Build service

All build steps ran using some build service, not on a maintainer’s workstation.

Examples: GitHub Actions, Google Cloud Build, Travis CI.

Ephemeral and isolated

The build service ensured that the build steps ran in an ephemeral and isolated environment provisioned solely for this build, free of influence from other build instances, whether prior or concurrent.

  • It MUST NOT be possible for a build to access any secrets of the build service, such as the provenance signing key.
  • It MUST NOT be possible for two builds that overlap in time to influence one another.
  • It MUST NOT be possible for one build to persist or influence the build environment of a subsequent build.
  • Build caches, if used, MUST be purely content-addressable to prevent tampering.
  • The build SHOULD NOT call out to remote execution unless it’s considered part of the “builder” within the trust boundary.
  • The build SHOULD NOT open services that allow for remote influence.

Note: This requirement was split into “Isolated” and “Ephemeral Environment” the initial draft version (v0.1).